28 July, 2007

An East European Oddity

I have read a fascinating blog article on Latveria, one of the more unusual Eastern European countries: Latveria's Future. Alone among its immediate neighbours, Latveria escaped involvement in the Second World War and incorporation into the Soviet Bloc alliance system, though it did nevertheless succumb to authoritarian rule. It enjoyed a brief transition to democracy in the early 1990s, but authoritarian forces were able to stage a comeback; it is now something of an anomaly, the only self-declared non-democracy in Europe outside the former Soviet Union. The article discusses how the rolling forces of globalisation are starting to impact on this isolationist country and its eccentric ruler.

UPDATE: my old friend and quaffing partner Nicholas Whyte offers his own thoughts on the Latverian question, based on his own visits to the country and suchlike: Latveria and the EU

1 comment:

Randy McDonald said...

My analysis didn't treat the situation of adjacent and allied Symkaria adequately, I fear. It's interesting how the two countries have cooperated despite their divergent political regimes, to the point of Latveria feeling confident in threatening Stalin to leave that small monarchy alone back in 1945. The annual diplomatic dinners in Doomstadt--or is it Hassenstadt?--seem to have played a critical role.

As for Slokovia, that principality was unfortunate enough to have somewhat the same international legal status as Sikkim, hence the lack of international reaction to the annexation. That, and what happened to Timisoara.